Tuesday 29 January 2013

I'm a P.T. killer...

P.T. = personal trainer.  As an attempt to change my life pattern of work-computer-sleep and repeat, I decided to try out the gym/workout scene (which is pretty big in Vancouver). How it all started was pretty amusing, so I'll share.  I was at Konbiniya (a Japanese convenient store in downtown Robson) with some friends and was having my usual Nutella-banana mochi crepe (highly recommend~), when I saw a contest to win ski session tickets/8 free days at [gym name]. Just for the heck of it, I put my ballot in. What were the chances that I'd win, anyways?...

The next afternoon, the gym called me and apparently I won the 8-day pass, and told me to come in to claim it. I wasn't motivated to go, especially since it was always RAINING, so I postponed it as long as I could.  Long story short, I got a helix piercing and found out I was unable to swim for a while, so I went for that gym pass. I mentally prepared myself to reject any offers for monthly passes etc. cuz I was definitely not in the mood to drop $ for a pass I know I will not use. 


I walked out with a 2-month pass and 12 sessions of personal training.  Epic fail. 
So, I had my first P.T for four sessions, but then his visa was expiring, so he had to return to Ireland. I was then passed on to a local trainer. I enjoyed his style of mini 1-2 minute drills. He lasted two sessions, when decided to relocate to a closer gym =[  Next was a female trainer, who was extremely nice that I could bring myself to complain about the pain and tiresome drills. I was given two free sessions because of the constant change of P.Ts. I showed up to class today and was pumped for my session when the P.T. manager found me at the bike.  Now, I've learned by now that whenever the P.T. manager comes to talk to you, it's always bad news.  Apparently, the female trainer decided to quit because the gym was too far away from her home, and she was juggling life and school work amidst all that.  OK, I didn't mind so much that she quit on me, but she didn't say anything- no call, no text. Finally, today, I got trained by none other than the P.T. manager himself.  He told me not to worry, as he's no going anywhere soon. We shall see about that....

On an unrelated note, on the weekend, I went clubbing with some friends for a friend's birthday at Venue. It was raining that night when my boyfriend and I left. My feet were in so much pain from the heels that I couldn't walk any further. 
My hero: walked in the rain in his socks so that I could wear his shoes home <3 
That is all. Signing out~

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