Friday 16 November 2012

Hello Vista...

... it's been a while.

 Ever since graduation/convocation at UBC, I've been enjoying the no-midterm, no-finals  moments (sorry for those who are in the midst of exams atm, good luck ^.~). There is this website that UBC currently uses for material that is uploaded for each registered course.  Some courses have assessments, or mini quizzes.  For my current job as a lab tech, I must complete the Biosafety course, and the Chemical Safety course, just for administrative purposes. It has been so long since I had to study for anything, that I ended up not being productive whatsoever. I tried staying on campus to read, coffee shop, at home, nothing worked.
I either get distracted with facebook, or start playing Triple Town (OK, I know it's an old game, but it's still new to me :p).  Furthermore, my mind was preoccupied with other stuff going on in my life, e.g. baptism testimony writing & interview @_@ Why oh why do we need an interview? My bf suggested that it's prolly for formality and making sure you're not just getting dunked in the water 'just 'cause'. It just was a very stressful week for me. Kudos to all the students who haven't cracked under the pressure yet.  Ganbatte~

So back to the biosafety course.  I had the practical session + exam today.  The whole thing took 2.5 hours. Honestly, the first two hours were used up as a summary & demonstration for everything we read, plus some non-subtle hinting of material that was going to be on the exam at the end. We learned how to clean up a chemical spill and how to take off gloves properly to minimize contamination on our hands.  For indication, we used glow-in-the-dark powder. Any class that involves glow-in-the-dark stuff is awesome in my book! I'm glad I took this, as it was really applicable to my job.  How many of you can say that you've taken at least one course at UBC that was immediately applicable IRL?! Just kidding.  It's a great learning institute. But yes, I thoroughly enjoyed that course; very, very easy exam.  If you happen to stumble upon this post and was thinking whether to take this course now or later, just sign up now.  Apparently, the only person who has ever failed this course failed because she couldn't speak a word of English. Just do it.

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