Tuesday, 20 December 2011


During my (umpteenth) break while cramming for what I hope to be my last exam of my undergrad, I found out my other two final grades...

... and I passed! Great sigh of relief, that's for sure (until I find out I failed today's... haha, very funny, Murphy o.o). Anyway, when I walked out of that exam room, it never hit me that I was done until I attempted to crank out a U-pass at the university bookstore, and was denied =3=

Funny how you don't appreciate things until they're gone.  Being a student gives you a lot of discounts and deals that people often overlook or take for granted.  Can't blame us those, we are usually "too busy" trying to stay in school (or not) to use (or even be aware of) the deals available to us.

It's only been 12 hours of alumni life, and I'm already dreading at the thought of January approaching and I don't have a U-pass! ): Anyone willing to relinquish theirs? (:

Wow, this post is everywhere. Thought processes of a brain that received 3 hours of sleep.
2:04am, good night.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Day 6

... of waiting for course marks to come out.  I find myself checking twice or thrice daily, even though I know they don't come out until the 21st.

How do you cope with the dreaded thought of possibly failing your courses?
I'm so close to graduating, too... T_T

So how do I cope? Impulse buying things I don't need (read: wasting monies). Online shopping is so dangerous, seriously.  I had just finished paying off my student loans too, so I'm really broke. But let's not think about that.  I bought two circle lenses: EOS adult grey, and GEO nudy grey.  Maybe post pictures when I get them? We'll see... 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011